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What foods should (or should not) be kept in the refrigerator?

 Whether the food comes from your garden, the grocery store or a restaurant, proper handling and storage ensures both quality and safety. Sometimes it is not clear where a certain food product should be stored to maintain its quality. So we're going to explore some commonly misplaced products and provide you with answers to general questions about refrigerator storage.

What temperature should the refrigerator be?

The refrigerator should be kept at a maximum temperature of 4°C, and this should be checked regularly using a thermometer. Avoid overcrowding the refrigerator and leave space between items so that air can circulate and the refrigerator functions properly.

How should you store food in the refrigerator?

Some foods, especially raw foods, contain microbes that can cause illness. Fortunately, these microbes are eliminated during cooking. As the growth of microbes is slower at lower temperatures, it is recommended to store raw meat, fish and poultry in airtight containers on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator, as this is usually the freshest part . It is also important to keep cooked and ready-to-eat foods separate from raw foods and to wipe up spills immediately to prevent the spread of germs in the refrigerator. Good general hygiene is important: food should be wrapped or placed in covered containers during storage, and the refrigerator should be cleaned frequently.


Can you put hot food in the refrigerator?

No, it is best to avoid putting hot food directly into the refrigerator as this will increase the temperature of the refrigerator. High temperature and condensation create good conditions for the spread of microbes. Wait for the food to cool to room temperature.

Remember the "2 hour" rule: whether it's leftovers, takeout, or freshly purchased food, it's important to cool and place food in the refrigerator within two hours to prevent the spread of germs. If you want to cool the food a little faster, you can place it in a dish in cold water. Make sure food is not completely covered so excess heat and water vapor can escape easily. When the food has cooled, you can place it in an airtight container in the refrigerator.3

Eat leftovers within 2 to 3 days. The exception is rice dishes, which should be eaten within a day. This is because rice may contain spores that survive cooking and transform into new bacteria, such as Bacillus cereus, producing toxins that can make you sick if leftovers are not cooled quickly and stored properly.4 .5 The longer cooked rice is stored, the more likely it is that new bacteria or their toxins will make it unsafe to eat.

What food products should be stored in the refrigerator?

Certain foods provide good growth conditions for bacteria. These are products that are moist, rich in nutrients and low in acidity, especially if stored at temperatures above 4°C.6 This includes foods such as meat, fish, cheese, dairy products and Leftovers. Dry ingredients and foods can be stored at room temperature.

You may have heard the expression "one bad apple spoils the barrel." This expression is true because it refers to the production of ethylene and the sensitivity of different fruits and vegetables. Certain fruits and vegetables, such as apples but also kiwis, apricots and bananas, produce a large quantity of ethylene gas. This gas is linked to the ripening process of fruits and vegetables. Some fruits and vegetables, such as cabbage, carrots, asparagus and celery, are more sensitive to this gas than others and are therefore considered "ethylene sensitive." To prevent ethylene-sensitive fruits and vegetables from spoiling quickly, they should not be stored with ethylene-producing fruits and vegetables.7

The table below offers storage recommendations for different common foods, including whether they should be kept in the refrigerator.6,8

Food type

Storage in the fridge?


At room temperature until ripe, then refrigerate











Eggs (cooked)


Eggs (uncooked)





Follow the instructions on the package or jar



Meat (raw or cooked)





Follow the instructions on the package or jar



Pickles (opened)




Soya sauce

Follow package directions

Salad leaves





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